Queensland Art Gallery – The Ugly

November 23, 2021 | Posted by Peter Jakobsen | ART, TRAVEL, Ulalume | 2 Comments |

November 2021

In liquid heat TVC hit the street and made their way to the Art Array. We are pleased to report there is much good to be found here (of which more in a forthcoming post) but there is also a selection of work that can be kindly called comic (except by Queensland taxpayers).  A sample below:

“New Holland (NOT)” (Blak Douglas & Adam Geczy) (2013) (Thank you, ‘Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program’.)

The above work, signed by Ian Di-Jirus, c/- ‘The Lucky Country’, invites the Chairman of the People’s Republic of China to enter into a Treaty. But before treaties, first we have to have a war…

“Anxiety” (Madonna Staunton) (2012) (where’s Edvard Munch when we need him?)

“Imprint image no. 3 The setting” (Jonas Balsaitis) (1990)

“Shoot point” (John Peart) (1967) (Point Blank)

“Kind-hearted kitchen-garden” (Robert Rooney) (1967) (a heartless polymer desert.)

“Persecuted lovers – study” (Arthur Boyd (1957-58) (Hello darkness, my old friend…)

“Parhelion” by Syagini Ratna Wulan (2021) (‘it’s new!)

“Atrium” by Syagini Ratna Wulan (2021) (no, it is not an electrical fitting).

One recalls Peter Garrett‘s comment: “[much] contemporary visual art…[is] freighted up with cultural commentary and insider allusions…”

Or to (pardon) quote ourselves: “this material sits astride the walls like riders in a posse we have come to call the Post Eternal Phase (forgotten as soon as one turns away)…If Leonardo came back, he’d likely be useless because the formal rigour of training would not be available to him, and he’d miss most of his art classes to attend rallies in town…”


  1. Reply

    M. R. Falls

    November 23, 2021

    This is all rubbish, apart from parhelion which is quite pretty.

  2. Reply

    Richie Ho

    November 23, 2021

    I e seen The Lucky Country. It looks like computer printed text, with stupid fake gunshots and it’s traitorous.

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