The Phoney Chinese Box in Film

November 24, 2014 | Posted by Peter Jakobsen | FILM, FOOD, LIFE, Ulalume |

L found one in New York!

Walk into any Chinatown in the world and you will struggle to find these. You can buy them online but they are not cheap.  Yet they seem to show up, unbilled, in every other film and television show.  Our list is below, suggested additions are welcome: Affliction AGL gas advertisement Anchorman: the Legend of Ron Burgundy The Bank Bewitched Big Bang Theory Bobby Borgen (Danish TV) Bugsy The Caretaker Catch Me if you Can Columbo Curb Your Enthusiasm Decoding Annie Parker Deconstructing Harry Dexter Election End of Days Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Family Guy A Few Good Men…

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