“Absolutely Anything” (Dir. Terry Jones) (2015)
Let’s get this over with: this is the Worst Picture of the Year. It’s Monty Python’s Tomb. There’s not an ounce of wit or a solitary laugh in it. Derivative, tired, completely lustreless. Every person in or connected with it is diminished. Simon Pegg took a wrong career turn after Spaced and Sean of the Dead. Or rather, he missed the turn towards something new and kept straight down the road of playing gormless, anorak-wearing types, till he hit this dead end.
There is no need to explain the thing – just pass on by. What sadness one feels for Robin Williams’ worthless voice role (as Dennis the talking pooch) pales beside the sadness of his life-ending depression. What persuaded the Pythons to participate? With what object was Joanna Lumley superfluously cast as a catty book-show host? Because she was once in a good show that had ‘Absolutely’ in its title? Why are the handsome women attracted to these losers, telekinesis or no? Seriously, go and see the latest lukewarm hot dog entry in the Star Wars or James Bond franchises instead, or better yet, see the Pythons at their best, in Holy Grail, Life of Brian or Meaning of Life. You know, before they cannibalized their taste, talent and reputations.
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