(by Michel Faber)
OK, OK, we get the message, Mr Faber. You have confirmed something we all know. Sigh. But you also confirmed something else for us here at TVC – that in no circumstances, whatsoever, is it a good idea to hitchhike. TVC had seen the film before reading the book (the two share little in common other than the name), and had read a spoiler somewhere explaining just why Isserley works so hard to pick up male hitchhikers; so there were no real surprises.
It would be better to come to this book with little foreknowledge. The story is engaging, but a major element – the visit from an important person – is not successful and is simply there to ram the message home in case the reader has missed it. This is A-grade writing marred by heavy-handed preaching. Overall, despite its flaws, it is worthwhile and TVC does recommend it (unless you are squeamish, in which case – run). And don’t hitchhike. Just. Don’t.
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