The Varnished Culture is devoted to the arts and crafts.
It is not elegiac but informed by the past. We adopt the plea to “make it new” ¹ but not at the expense of quality; we promote enrichment through technique and understanding; we assert of those who make the effort to create fine art that their week beats your year. ²
¹ Vide Ezra Pound. ² With apologies to Lou Reed.

Lesley Jakobsen
Is a university medalist in Ancient Greek, a lawyer, a designer of bespoke crafts, an erstwhile film production slave, a self-awarded bravery award winner, and author of the short story
The Silent Partner. Her list of things that make life magnificent includes Peter Gabriel, David Foster Wallace, Joyce Carol Oates and the Norwood Football Club.
Annabel Lee – Read Lesley’s posts »
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