"Moral Ambiguity" by Ian Sane
“Dear The Varnished Culture,
As requested, we enclose a transcript from our media monitoring service of the interview promoting Scumworld’s exciting new series. Invoice to follow. Thank you for your request.
Yours sincerely,
Ian Churl,
Vice President (Marketing)
Scumworld Digital services”
From ‘Marla Knob Today’ with host, Marla Knob
MK: I’m talking to Toby Carving, start of the new television series debuting on Scumworld over this Easter weekend, Six Types of Ennui. Toby, welcome.
TC: Thank you.
MK: Congratulations on the series.
TC: Thank you.
MK: Tell me, how did the intriguing title come about?
TC: I think some fellow called Luigi Pirandello came up with it.
MK: It really sets out to say something about where we are now as a society, doesn’t it?
TC: Thank you.
MK: I was fascinated by the way the characters and situations interacted and left the viewer with a haunting sense of ennui.
TC: Why, thank you.
MK: And of course, your character – the brooding, devil-may-care, yet concerned psycho-therapist, who may or may not turn out to be the 2IC of Isis – is also haunting.
TC: Thank you.
MK: The piece overall is startling in its implications.
TC: Oh, absolutely. After all, when you think about who we have in the White House right now, it’s…
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