Vale Mike Nichols

November 24, 2014 | Posted by Peter Jakobsen | Classic Film, Comedy Film, Drama Film, FILM, LIFE, Ulalume |

NOVEMBER 19, 2014 VALE Mikhail Igor Peschkowsky (Mike Nichols) November 6, 1931 – November 19, 2014 Nicholls was multifaceted, building a career in live comedy, theatre, films and television.  Though he had a reputation as a golden boy (making his film debut Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? directing Burton and Taylor, cleverly innovating techniques to enhance the claustrophobic intimacy of that night from hell, and winning a best director gong the next year by casting against stereotype in The Graduate) he had as many flops as hits but they remained interesting. His routines with Elaine May in the 1950s and…

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Carmen – PC? 22/11/14

November 24, 2014 | Posted by Peter Jakobsen | LIFE, MUSIC, Opera, Ulalume |

The WA Opera has achieved fame – no, sorry, infamy – by censoring smoking from its production of Carmen.  This due to pressure from their new sponsor, Healthway, an independent statutory body reporting to the WA Minister for Health, which according to its website “provides sponsorship to Sports, Arts and Community organisations to promote healthy messages, facilitate healthy environments, reduce the promotion of unhealthy messages, and increase participation in healthy activities … key priorities for Healthway are reducing harm from tobacco, reducing harm from alcohol, reducing obesity and promoting good mental health.” In view of this, we assume WA Opera…

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Cards Against Humanity – The Rolling Stones

November 7, 2014 | Posted by Peter Jakobsen | LIFE, Modern Music, MUSIC, Ulalume |

Tired?  Beat?  Beyond blue?  Why not Play Cards against Humanity?  It is pure evil and a great way to relax. Note that the rumoured hidden (ultra un-PC) answer card, said to be secreted in the lid of the box, only features in limited editions.  The standard answer cards are offensive enough! Adelaide is calming down after the Rolling Stones hit town.  They performed a very tight and exultant set at the Adelaide Oval (see: “The greatest game of football ever played”).  Not 24 hours later we had an electrical storm to rival that of Key Largo so I guess the…

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Lou Reed

November 5, 2014 | Posted by Peter Jakobsen | LIFE, Modern Music, MUSIC, THUMBNAIL REVIEWS |

(2/3/42 – 27/10/13) “When Lou Reed sings, a child somewhere dies.”  This horrible statement, attributed to our good friend Matthew R, has a black truth in it (like all good and unfair epigrams).  Reed’s records were not for everyone and definitely not for children. Jewish, polysexual, extremely troubled as a youth (his parents committed him to shock treatment at a psychiatric hospital when he was 17) and artsy, he spurned the comfortable Long Island existence and devoted himself to his trade.  With some diversions, that is: incredibly, after the release of the Velvet Underground’s Loaded, he was working as a…

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Rijksmuseum Moments

November 5, 2014 | Posted by Peter Jakobsen | ART, LIFE, THUMBNAIL REVIEWS, TRAVEL |

Statue of Anne Frank in Amsterdam

We spent the better part of a day drinking in the marvels contained in this lovely Dutch pile of bricks. A Franz Hals portrait of a couple reminded me of Rose & Freddy West. We didn’t think much of the Night Watch, we have to admit, preferring Rembrandt’s Denial of St Peter with its third-degree searchlight from nowhere. Rembrandts in wonderful abundance, recalling Wyndham Lewis’ observation that “No serious artist thinks or propagates the notion for his own use that anything better can be done than such works as hang above Rembrandt’s name in Amsterdam or the Hermitage.” Corot never…

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