
February 15, 2016 | Posted by Peter Jakobsen | Classical Music, Opera, WAGNER |

Painted by Emil Doepler

PREMIERE: 26 JUNE 1870 in MUNICH.  It was done as a ‘stand-alone’ piece, not part of the Cycle, and reaction was mixed.  But Wagner wasn’t going to allow 26 year’s worth of work down the drain and ultimately, as both part of the Ring cycle and alone, it stands atop the operatic ramparts. Discussion: February 10, 2016 at Adelaide Symphony Orchestra Performance: February 13, 2016 at Festival Theatre, Adelaide Die Walküre shows Wagner blossoming as musician and dramatist.  In the words of Ernest Newman, “he abandoned himself luxuriously to the sheer joy of music-making, both enlarging the scale of his…

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Accidents Will Happen

February 13, 2016 | Posted by Lesley Jakobsen | Modern Music, MUSIC |

Songs in Our Heart # 1 (We have sounded off about songs we dislike intensely, and had lots of lovely negative feedback!  But in the interests of restoring harmony, we are starting a series of random tunes we love (or perhaps only one of us does) and we will continue as we think of more. Thanks also to those sporting sharers at YouTube – TVC doesn’t endorse any ads that may pop up!): Accidents Will Happen (Elvis Costello & the Attractions) (Written by Elvis Costello; released May 1979) [The perfect pop song, full of sound and fury, signifying everything.]    

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Terry Wogan

February 2, 2016 | Posted by Lesley Jakobsen | LIFE, Modern Music |

Programme Name: n/a - TX: 20100101 - Episode: n/a (No. n/a) - Embargoed for publication until: n/a - Picture Shows: - (C) BBC - Photographer: Lorenzo Agius

Michael Terence Wogan (3 August 1938 – 31 January 2016) The Varnished Culture farewells this mellifluous long-standing caller of the Eurovision Song Contest.  He obviously loved the event, but that didn’t stop the old smoothie from dripping the occasional cup of acid, particularly when hosts gave too much of themselves or acted like ‘eejits’, or when anticipating the voting predilections of each country, which he did with uncanny accuracy (and sardonic smugness).  You’ll be missed Woges.

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10 (or more) Songs We Hate

January 20, 2016 | Posted by Lesley Jakobsen | Modern Music |

1 Always Take the Weather With You (Crowded House) – [dreary and nasty, almost hostile.] 2. Why Does it Always Rain on Me? (Travis) – [Why don’t you stop whining and buy a brolley?] 3  Born to be Alive (Patrick Hernandez – there is dispute in the TVC house about this one) [Ecch!] 4. Wonderful Christmastime (Paul McCartney) [Worst Xmas song ever.] 5. Happy (Pharrell Williams – there is a dispute here too) [L – unhappy] 6. All That She Wants (Ace of Base) [“she’s gone tomorrow” – why not today?] 7. I Will Always Love You (Whitney Houston version) [a…

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10 Reasons to Hate Bowie

January 18, 2016 | Posted by Lesley Jakobsen | Modern Music |

Well, it is easy to venerate Bowie of course, and De mortuis nihil nisi bonum but no major figures are completely loved. Here’s some drawbacks advanced simply in the interests of total candour –

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