18 August 1750 – Antonio Salieri
His work has faded, leaving behind a (probably unfair) reputation of the poisoner of Mozart…
18 August 1920 – Shirley Schrift (Shelley Winters)
The needy, blowsy slattern with a heart of gold and born to lose – Shelley’s specialty.
Her great film moments: The Great Gatsby (1949), A Place in the Sun (1951), The Night of the Hunter (1955), The Diary of Anne Frank (1959), and especially Lolita (1962).
18 August 1933 – Roman Polanski
His reputation has taken a battering of late, but he gets a plea in mitigation for films such as Repulsion (1965), Rosemary’s Baby (1968), Macbeth (1971) and Chinatown (1974).
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