Adroit Detroit Blox White Sox

April 9, 2018 | Posted by Peter Jakobsen | LIFE | 0 Comments |

Detroit Tigers vs Chicago White Sox, April 8, 2018 @ Chicago

Go, Tigers! Having flown into Chicago (my kind of town) that afternoon, and discovered that the Detroit Tigers were up against the Chicago White Sox at Comiskey Park (now charmingly re-badged as ‘Guaranteed Rate Field’), we just had to get out there, sink some Bud suds and hot dogs. Ignoring the local boys chanting “Go Sox!” and “Detroit  Sucks,”* we saw the Tiges score early and in freezing conditions, freeze out the Sox to a scoreless card and sweep the triple-header.

‘America, the Beautiful’

In chilly conditions, it was a day for pitchers. When the ball hit the bat’s sweet-spot, it flew a mile in the sky, to be scooped-up by the efficient outfield. So scoring was low and slow, bearing out L’s opinion that ‘baseball is America’s answer to cricket…lots of talk and stats, but precious little action.’  She has a point.

During some of the chronic intervals when the teams changed-over between innings, youths in White Sox gear rounded the boundary and fired what looked like socks or face-washers into the crowd. The noisy lads screamed with excitement and one who caught some free stuff went into a paroxym of delight. A grown man. (Yes, America can be a rather infantile country, we’re afraid.)

The winning pitch

At the bottom of the 9th, the locals fired-up; the Detroit 3rd baseman fumbled and the Sox got a man on first…but the efficient lads from Michigan closed Chicago down and out, for a 1-0 win and clean sweep of the visit. The locals were stoic and philosophical, which is surely part of the problem! Glenelg fans would be lighting fires! As Vince Lombardi would say, “Show me a good loser and I’ll show you a loser” but on the other hand, it’s only a game! Something I must remember one day….

[*In response to heckling from the locals, P considered pointing out that next year, 2019, will mark the centenary of the White Sox fixing the World Series. But discretion proved superior to valour.]


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