(by Marilynne Robinson).
I had read rave reviews of this book and was so pleased to find a decent second-hand copy. I started it, but couldn’t “get into it”. I thought that was just “me”. I then found a copy of the second book in the trilogy, “Home”. Yay! When I heard that the final book was available for pre-order I skipped to my computer and ordered it. I then waited, thinking it a good idea and motivational to put off reading the first book until I had all three. That would make it all the more fascinating the second time round. So, when “Lila” arrived I said “Yay!” again and started Gilead with happy determination.
I got a little way into it and thought …zzzz…oh ! sorry! I drowsed off there….I found it actually rather…..zzzzzzzz…..but I kept on with it….zzzzzzzzz……snore……zzzz…sorry again. where was I? Yes, I got to page 75 and just…..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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