Music being the food of love, where to get it cheaply? Some suggestions for starving pagans on this Eastertide:
Bluesfest, just north of Byron Bay, can be done inexpensively, but TVC does not recommend it!
Classic FM – yet another argument for the national broadcaster. Seriously though – how expensive is it, such that the ‘savage cuts’ by government threatens its existence? With all due respect to the superb pre and post prandial duo of Lawrence and Lester, they’re not paid as much as Leonardo Di Caprio! With a staffer to select the material and a taxpayer funded studio, plus the strongest transmitters in the land…render unto Caesar and all that?
Sydney Musica Viva festival (this week) – TVC can’t make it, so you all can relax.
You could catch the last day of Painting Music in the Age of Caravaggio at the NY Met for some post-mannerist music visuals. Mich was a lot gentler on his painted subjects than he treated them in real life, when his hands weren’t encumbered by brushes..
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