Perhaps we ought to play outside? (photo by Julian Tysoe)
The alleged voting predilections on “Q and A”.
Wondering if the people who make reality makeover programs think that we actually believe that the whole playground was installed in an hour or that that smiling lady really did all that sawing herself?
Business owners appearing in their own commercials. (“Tank”?, Tammy “squeaker” May, GGG’s Sean “hand gesture” Bisley, the air-conditioner boffin).
Worse still, business owners (always the owners of small businesses In this case) putting their children in their commercials (for carpets, cars, or markets). Pay a professional. Always a good idea.
The trend in TV ad music for breathless, childish female voices. We’re looking at you, Gabrielle Aplin (Pandora), Lisa Mitchell (Surf) and Gossling (Woolworths a little while ago – remember, “Monday Tuesday Wednesday blah blah trill trill blah” with megaphone effect?).
Newsreaders’ and reporters’ insistence on calling mothers and pregnant women “Mums.”
Comment is free but facts are priceless…not any more.
Two things I can't stand - 'pop-up' adverts during a program, and when you're watching the end of a great movie and some announcer starts shouting what's on next
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