Proverbs, 11:29 – “He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart.”
I watched this Stanley Kramer bag-of-wind
With that pair of plump boiled hams, Tracy and March,
In a hot and dusty courtroom, having a fine old time
Debating whether a schoolteacher had sinned.
Kids bit into the apple when their brains began to parch
So he taught them evolution was no crime.
Tracy, playing Darrow, fought the case upon the law,
In other words he posed as legislator.
But the facts were dead against him, so, ignoring
He pressed the ‘Vibe’ and showed the deeper flaw.
Equity would serve as mitigator;
And The Word would set the jury snoring.
Let us turn this lecture on its head,
We now have this plight entirely reversed.
It’s settled, Darwin’s most elegant theory
And the Solomonic wisdom is stone dead,
The cosmology in which children were versed
Is fairy dust, the dreams and dreamers weary.
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