Unley Town Hall, 24 August 2017
We have written previously on this strange case: see our earlier piece here.
The Varnished Culture had a representative at this lecture by Tom Mann, re-visiting his book on the Stevenson / Szach case.
There’s not not too much new in Mann’s thesis: the forensic evidence as to time of death is wobbly – the distance travelled by Szach to Coober Pedy overnight is inconsistent with his presence about the time of the killing – the execution-style and surfeit of possible suspects – the dodgy identification evidence – the mysterious young man turning-up at the Legal Services Commission, etc.
We have not read Mr Mann’s book, but frankly, his lecture failed to persuade us of a case to overturn Szach’s conviction. And the author’s conspiracy theories didn’t encourage us either. Nevertheless, absent material to be presented in a possible imminent appeal, this book is probably a good starting point for amateur sleuths, abroad in the City of Unley and beyond.
[P.S. The tedious and traditional ‘Welcome to Country’ was observed, and thanks offered to the Kaurna people. TVC failed to notice any folks from that tribe present at the lecture, but can we complain to them about the excessive rates in this part of their patch?]While your email address is required to post a comment, it will NOT be published.