45 years, 70 artists, 35 countries, 7 locations…and virtually Nothing worth having Fido cock his leg on.
At the risk of being “cute,” we’ll quote ourselves:
Modern Art is, in the main, pure fraud. It operates on ruthless market principles, clothed in doubletalk and gobbledegook. It has abandoned aesthetics and no longer seeks, were it even able, to be evocative. We call it the *Post-Eternal Phase, because its representative works leave the mind as soon as the audience turns away and its work is complete as soon as the cheque is cashed.
It is perfectly credible for Banksy to state that Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable, but it should ideally also try not to be total garbage.
The Biennale has become an embarrassment to Sydney, a shabby, wan, flatulent and lustreless horde of agitprop and random rubbish. If you need convincing that it is time to Call Time on the Sydney Biennale, here you are:
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