Wake up, President Joe! Congratulations!

November 5, 2020 | Posted by Peter Jakobsen | American Politics, POLITICS | 1 Comment |

5 November 2020 (Australian Central Time):

An overnight flip has put Joe Biden ahead in Michigan and Wisconsin. And a weird stay of counting in North Carolina and Georgia doesn’t matter, nor does Pennsylvania, because Joe has 264 electoral college votes now and he will win Nevada (6 electoral votes) which puts him over the top.

Congratulations, and if you thought the Trump Show was a wild ride, wait till you get a load of Joe and Kamala and their retinue!

[UPDATE: Bad things seem to have occurred in Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, Arizona and Pennsylvania, in terms of dodgy electoral returns. Conrad Black (Spectator 26/11/20), wrote: “An unknowable quantity of harvested ballots came from the mass unsolicited mailing to the wildly inaccurate voters’ listings in Democratic-governed swing states, following a plan the Democrats implemented in hundreds of state lawsuits over three years and then hid under the pandemic terror that their allies in the media propagated. This produced miraculous Democratic comebacks from ‘ballot drops’ in the middle of the night after counting had been paused in several selected states, and it quickly became almost impossible to verify these ballots, mixed in with many millions of others.”  As Rebecca Weisser reported in the 14/11/20 “Spectator”, one American tweeted: “I’m so mad my grandparents voted for Biden that I’m never visiting their graves again!”  Still, the Democrats, conveniently forgetting their conduct in the last 4 years, have exhorted the President and his supporters to concede gracefully and re-unify the country. Joe has even created a a metaphysical Office of the President-Elect. As the BabylonBee commented: “Study Finds Connection Between Getting Your Way And Calling For Unity.”]

1 Comment

  1. Reply


    November 5, 2020

    They voted for Kamela. Joe, the steady but ancient hand, will graciously pass on what wisdom he can and then hand over the reigns at the end of the first term. KH will have more than enough time to establish her credentials (one way or another) by then.
    What happens from here is the fascinating thing.

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