If Shop Til You Drop were a woman, her name would be Symantha. Symantha is a nail technician but she’s trying out for “Australian Idol” and her friends say she’ll win. Symantha’s living with her boyfriend but she’s ditching him soon and her friends say she should. Symantha’s friends LOVE her selfies and say she should try modelling. Once upon a time, I woke like Sleeping Beauty from a years-long coma during which I had worn the same out-dated princess outfit. I swept out into an unknown world (known as “The Newsagents”) and saw Shop Til You Drop. I thought it was a…
Continue Reading →If the Australian edition of In Style were a woman, her name would be Alyssä and she would be the PA to the CEO of an interior design firm whom she hopes to marry when his wife gives up on the botox. Alyssä would wear Armani culottes to theatre first nights. She wouldn’t think much of you. The Good: In Style is much more likeable than Alyssä, its corporal manifestation. It is a truly terrific and selective catalogue of upper-mid-market fashions, arranged into useful categories. It does an admirable job of showing how to style and combine these expensive things. It shows you clearly who has…
Continue Reading →If Mollie Makes were a woman she would own “Millie’s”, a quirky organic vegan café. The cafe, her house and her daughter Charlie* would all be decorated in a quirky retro, minimalist style featuring lots of polka dots and woodland animals. On Sundays Mollie Makes would dye her severe bob black or purple, pop on her quirky red-rimmed glasses and cycle with Charlie to roller derby practice. The magazine is as worthy as that – heavy on the Scandanavian look, white walls, foxes, deer, owls, recycled furniture and dots. The projects are usually at the easy skill-level. Of course beauty is in the eye of the needle, but to this crafter the Mollie Makes projects are too often offputtingly err……
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