July 6, 1854: The US Republican Party held its first Convention, in Jackson, Michigan, ‘under the oaks’. Six years later, the Grand Old Party had its first President:
162 years after that first Convention, the Republicans have taken a wild gamble with their nominee for President in 2017:
Mr Trump, like Howard Beale in Network, is articulating the rage of the American people. It’s Big Casino – he could end up like Barry Goldwater, but if he moderates his approach, given the times, he might get there, like Nixon in 1968.
Mind you, the Democrats aren’t exactly running FDR, or JFK. But she is a conventional politician. P. J. O’Rourke wrote that he was “endorsing Hillary, with all her lies and empty promises. She’s completely wrong about everything but at least she’s wrong within normal parameters.”
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